Breast Revision Surgery
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift
- Breast Revision Surgery
- Breast Reduction
- Breast Reductive Augmentation
- Breast Reconstruction
- Tubular Breasts
- Body Building Figure Fitness Breast Augmentation
- En Bloc Capsulectomy
- Male Breast Reduction
- Pectoral Augmentation
- Face Lift
- Brow Lift
- Mini Facelift / Petit Lift
- Neck Liposuction
- Male Rhinoplasty
- Female Rhinoplasty
- Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
- Lip Augmentation
- Lip Lift
- Otoplasty
- Mommy Makeover
- Liposuction
- Tummy Tuck
- Brazilian Butt Lift
- Infragluteal Thigh Lift
- Arm Lift
- Body Lift / Thigh Lift
- Calf Augmentation
- Labiaplasty
- Male Breast Reduction
- Male Pectoral Augmentation
- Face Lift / Mini Lift / Neck Lift
- Dr. Balikian's Blepharoplasty
- Dr. Balikian's Lip Augmentation
- Dr. Balikian's Laser / Chemical Peel
- Dr. Balikian's Reconstruction / Scar Revision
- Dr. Balikian's Liposuction
- Dr. Balikian's Chin Implant
- Dr. Balikian's Otoplasty
- Dr. Balikian's Fat Transfer
- Dr. Balikian's Brow Lift
- Dr. Balikian's Rhinoplasty
- Dr. Francis Breast Augmentation
- Dr. Francis Breast Implant Removal
- Dr. Francis Breast Lift With Implants
- Dr. Francis Breast Lift
- Dr. Francis Breast Reduction
- Dr. Francis Breast Revision
- Dr. Francis Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia
- Dr. Francis Reductive Augmentation of the Breast
- Dr. Francis Tuberous Breast Correction
- Dr. Francis Blepharoplasty
- Dr. Francis Browlift
- Dr. Francis Earlobe Reduction
- Dr. Francis Earlobe Repair for Gauged Piercings
- Dr. Francis Facelift
- Dr. Francis Lip Lift
- Dr. Francis Neck Liposuction
- Dr. Francis Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)
- Dr. Francis Rhinoplasty
- Dr. Francis Skin Cancer Reconstruction
- Dr. Francis Arm Liposuction
- Dr. Francis Body Building Figure and Frames
- Dr. Francis Brazilian Butt Lift
- Dr. Francis Buttock Augmentation with Implants
- Dr. Francis Infragluteal Fat Grafting
- Dr. Francis Liposuction
- Dr. Francis Mommy Makeover
- Dr. Francis Thigh Liposuction
- Dr. Francis Tummy Tuck
Breast Revisionary Surgery Photo Gallery
Mal-position- Inferior and/or Lateral
Occurs when the implant is sitting too low or off to the side (inferiorly or laterally). A space or gap in the middle of the chest is also sometimes visible
Mal-position Medial/Symmastia
Occurs when the breast meet in the middle, also known as “uni-boob”
Mal-position Superior
Occurs when the implant sits too high and sometimes is associated with capsular contracture.
Capsular Contracture
Occurs when normal scar tissue forms around the implant and the capsule contracts or tightens around the implant. Breasts appear harder, rounder and/or moves upward.
When a woman’s breasts are different in size, form, position, or volume.
Correction of Long Term Changes Associated with Implants on Top of the Muscle
Reposition of Implants Into the Subpectoral Location
Enlarged Areola
When a woman’s areola (not nipple) is larger than desired or puffy. This can occur because of genetics, massive weight loss, implants or breastfeeding.
Removal of Breast Implants and Mastopexy
Other breast problems.
Over three million women in this country have undergone breast augmentation surgery. Whether the surgery was performed incorrectly or the outcome was poor, there is a growing need for revisionary breast surgery. Dr. Chasan is a well known expert in this field and has performed hundreds of these types of surgeries. He regularly lectures nationally for Allergan, the company that makes breast implants, on this topic and has written several peer-reviewed papers (See published articles for more information)on techniques used for fixing poor results associated with breast surgery. (See Publication)
The most common and treatable complications include capsular contracture, wrinkling knuckling, implants mal-position, deflation (saline implants), ptosis/drooping, double-bubble deformities, and an exaggerated pectoralis major muscular flexion deformity. The vast majority of these are fixable. Many techniques are used in combination such as capsulorrhaphy, capsulotomy, capsulectomy, repositioning of implant sub-muscularly, use of ADM’s (Acellular Dermal Matrix), and mastopexy. In addition, shape and size discrepancies and areolar asymmetries can be addressed.