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Your Game Plan to Fight Aging and Gain Confidence in How You Look.

Think only women should care about their appearance? At Ranch & Coast Plastic Surgery, we are more than just surgery—we are breaking the stigma of cosmetic medspa procedures for men by offering a spectrum of customized, non-surgical treatments so you can look and feel younger, and more confident. Looking good isn’t self-importance; it’s self-respect.


All treatments are performed by our professional medical staff, in our comfortable, discreet, state-of-the-art Medical Spa in Del Mar, CA. Our men’s treatments are designed to specifically address men’s skincare and health needs at ANY age.

So whether you are interested in smoothing out your wrinkles to get your youth back, in need of some man-scaping, or seeking better performance in the bedroom…we have something for you. Check out our Men’s Treatments, the links to the services will take you where you want to go.

Man leaning against a couch while fixing his tie

“BROtox”— Botox for Men

Average Cost: 1 area $220 – 3 areas $660 (depending on the number of units needed)

Recovery Time: None

See Results: Three to seven days

Soften your lines, not your edge. BROtox is in.  Reduce those frown lines, forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet, and get your youth back. Botox, derived from the Botulinum toxin, is the #1 non-surgical cosmetic treatment used to minimize fine lines and deep wrinkles by paralyzing underlying muscles in the face. Though Botox has long been used to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, this age-defying treatment also gives the face a subtle, little “lift” that results in a more rested, energetic countenance.

Boost your confidence and restore a more youthful, masculine and attractive appearance that lasts for months.

Jaw Sculpting—Dermal Fillers for Men

Average Cost: $650

Recovery Time: One to two days

See Results: Immediate

Want a more masculine jawline? Sagging and wrinkles don’t add character, just years. As we age, the natural volume of our youthful skin begins to diminish as wrinkles and folds settle in. Dermal Fillers instantly restore your skin’s volume and smooth away deep lines and facial creases. The results are immediate with minimal downtime.

Ditch the “Dad Bod”—CoolSculpting for Men

Average Cost: $750 – $3,900 (depending on number of cycles needed)

Recovery Time: Three to five days of mild tenderness

See Results: One to 3 months

Boot camps and cross-fit classes can only do so much. Come in and we will freeze the rest of it off. It’s time to ditch the “Dad Bod”…the beer bellies, man boobs, double-chins, and those love handles gotta go. Start cool and finish HOT. Turbocharge your torso for a trim, hot body.

Dare to go Bare—Laser Hair Removal for Men

Average Cost: $350 – $500

Recovery Time: None

See Results: One to three weeks

Are you comfortable going shirtless at the beach? Tired of razor burn and ingrown hairs? How do you feel about never having to shave or wax again? Don’t razor it, laser it. For that well-groomed, tailored look, painlessly. With a series of non-invasive Laser Hair Removal treatments, we can permanently get rid of the unwanted fuzz from your face, back, chest, neck, shoulders…virtually any part of the body.

Schedule a Consultation.

Don’t Sweat it—

Male Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Average Cost: $1,100

Recovery Time: None

See Results: Three to seven days

People who sweat excessively often soak through their clothing or drip sweat. Regular antiperspirants don’t work well for those with this condition. Did you know Botox can stop excessive sweating? One of the only effective treatments for hyperhidrosis—any abnormal sweating, such as sweating when it’s not hot. Our Botox treatments can help halt the embarrassment that comes with excessive sweating.

Hi-Tech Skin Care Products for Men

Average Cost: $70 – $215

Recovery Time: None

See Results: Immediate to one month

We have hi-tech, bullet-proof, skincare regimen solutions, specifically for MEN, that rejuvenate your post-shave complexion, fine lines and wrinkles. Our product lines keep it simple. They sooth and calm irritation, leave no residue or shine, absorb quickly, hydrate, and are fragrance-free.

Because men’s testosterone levels are higher, male skin tends to produce more oil causing clogged pores; pimples and blackheads, which make the skin appear dirty and unhealthy-looking. Having a skincare routine with our state-of-the-art product lines help to control and regulate oily skin, remove dead skin cells, make shaves smoother and improve your overall appearance.

IV Therapy—The Athlete’s Performance Drip

Average Cost: $249

Recovery Time: None

See Results: Immediate

If you’re not getting the most from your workouts, IV therapy could be the key to boosting your athletic performance and stamina. Intravenous therapies are amazingly effective because they allow immediate absorption and replacement of crucial nutrients directly into the bloodstream.

Increase your energy level, enhance your physical abilities and intensify your workouts with a vitamin-infused and mineral-rich athletic drip. Athletic Drip IV therapy helps to maintain endurance before, during and after exercise or training.

Interested in a Surgical Procedure Instead?

Our Surgical Procedures for Men

Live your best life! Take a step toward looking and feeling your best today. Our surgical procedures are performed in a tranquil, private medical setting and are just what the doctor ordered to invest in a brand new you. In addition to our full menu of Men’s Health Services, we also offer cosmetic outpatient procedures for these common aesthetic conditions.

Man talking on a phone while looking out window of building

Male Liposuction and Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia or enlarged breasts is swelling of the breast tissue in males, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, and older men can develop “man boobs” later in life as a result of changes in normal or abnormal hormone levels.

Though not a serious medical condition, gynecomastia patients can sometimes have pain in their breasts and suffer from embarrassment. There are options and we can help. To learn more about this condition and find out what you can do to improve and correct it, call us.

Calf Enlargement

Sometimes, no amount of exercise or weight training can give you that muscular, defined calf muscle that you desire. If you are unhappy with the size and shape of your “chicken legs”, specifically your calf the good news is you can do something about it.

Calf augmentation is a procedure where a small incision is made in the natural crease on the back of your knee and an implant is placed and positioned in the pocket of the calf muscle. Recovery time is usually 2-3 weeks and it’s safe and effective.

Call us to find out if you’re a good candidate for calf implants.

Otoplasty (Ear Pinning)

Otoplasty or ear surgery improves the shape, position or proportion of the ear. Most commonly performed on men with overly large, misshapen or protruding ears, otoplasty creates a more natural-looking shape while bringing symmetry and proportion to the ears and face.


Ear surgery profoundly improves the overall appearance and boosts self-esteem. If protruding or disfigured ears plagued you as a child, and you are still dealing with the embarrassment and effects as an adult, let us help. Call to schedule a consultation.

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