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Remember, “no pain, no gain?” Not anymore! There’s a new way to strengthen and tone your abs, buttocks, and thighs—without even breaking a sweat. Ranch & Coast Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa is one of the first practices in San Diego and Southern California to offer CoolTone: our latest body sculpting treatment.

Model laying on the sand and stretching

What is CoolTone?

CoolTone is an FDA-approved medical device that stimulates your muscles using magnetic waves. This Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) technology causes your muscles contract. Those contractions help build muscle mass, much the same as they do when you do crunches or squats. CoolTone is the latest innovation from Allergan, an industry leader in medical aesthetics. It’s the natural next step from the company that brought us CoolSculpting, the revolutionary, non-invasive fat-freezing process.

How Does CoolTone Work?

It’s a simple process. The CoolTone device is a wand attached to a large flat disc that holds a powerful Tesla magnet. When the device is activated, magnetic waves target specific muscle mass. For example, the trained technician will hold the disc above your abdomen to focus the waves on strengthening your core.

The small, powerful waves penetrate deep beneath the skin and through the fat tissue to target the muscle. The waves cause it to tighten, then relax, and that contraction strengthens the muscle fibers. Throughout treatment, the muscles become stronger, tighter, and more toned.

Model's sitting on a dock putting their legs in the water

Target Specific Problem Areas

Everyone has stubborn trouble spots that no amount of exercise ever seems to fix. CoolTone in San Diego offers the following benefits:

  • Strengthens, tones, and firms the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks
  • Has 50% more magnetic intensity than the leading competitor
  • FDA-cleared

After all those Pilates classes, stair climbers or thigh masters, it’s nice to know there’s a low impact solution for body contouring. CoolTone is completely non-invasive—there’s no downtime, no recovery, no disruption to your daily life. Treatments take under an hour. Come by on your lunch hour and you’ll still have time to grab a salad. In roughly two weeks, your belly, your butt or your thighs will be firmer and more toned.

Schedule a Consultation.

Take Control of Your Muscle Tone with CoolTone in Del Mar

At Ranch & Coast in Del Mar, we’ve partnered with Allergan for years, but we couldn’t be more excited by this latest innovation. For years, we’ve heard the only way to deal with trouble spots was exercise—harder exercise, more frequent exercise, variation in our exercise routines. But the results just weren’t there.

Now CoolTone is here, and for a lot less sweat, you’re going to look great in those gym clothes. Contact us and let’s get this “workout” started.


Following are a few questions our clients routinely ask about CoolTone. If you don’t see what you need, please give us a call at 858-450-1555.

Is CoolTone safe?

Yes. The device and procedure are FDA-approved. Also, CoolTone was developed by Allergan, one of the industry’s leaders in medical aesthetics. The procedure is entirely non-intrusive—no anesthesia, no chance for infection. Leave the office and go about your day.

Shouldn’t I just be exercising more?

We support a healthy exercise routine. The best candidates for this treatment are people who work out regularly. But sometimes, no matter what you do, specific problem areas won’t tighten up. Instead of being unhappy with your body, CoolTone will tighten your trouble spots up in a few treatments.

What kind of treatment regimen can I expect?

Typically, you can expect four treatments over two weeks. But remember, individual cases may vary—the doctor has the final word on the course of treatment.

Are there any side effects?

There are no permanent side effects at all. Some patients do experience some muscle pain after treatment – just like you might after a vigorous workout. We recommend our female patients schedule their appointment after their menstrual cycle, as treatments can increase cramping.

Is this treatment just for women?

Not at all. Both men and women can use CoolTone treatments to firm up their physique.

Can I do CoolSculpting and CoolTone?

Yes, you can, but not at the same time. CoolSculpting freezes and kills fat cells (called cryolipolysis), so they can be naturally expelled. That process typically takes between 3 and 6 months. Our medical staff are certified to perform both procedures – ask about the timeframe for receiving both treatments.

What are the risks?

The most significant risk for qualified candidates is the scammers. Make sure you’re being treated by a licensed Allergen partner, certified to perform the procedure. Don’t risk your safety or money on anything less.

Am I a candidate for CoolTone?

Not everyone should undergo CoolTone treatments. People with an embedded medical device, such as a pacemaker, ocular ear implant, or any other device, should not undergo the treatment. If you have metal rods or pins in your body, discuss their location with the doctor. If they are too close to the treatment area, you may not be a candidate for CoolTone. If you are inclined to seizures or have Graves disease, you should not attempt CoolTone body sculpting. Thoroughly discuss your health history with the doctor before having CoolTone treatment.

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